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Finding My Way: A Memoir by Jerry Morton

Jun 30, 2019

Podcast 82, "A Water Tower Adventure," is an account of a college prank in the spring of 1963, that became more consequential than planned.

Jun 10, 2019

Podcast 76, "Catching an Error," is an account of an observation I made of interactions between children with serious disabilities enrolled in a birth-to-three year old program,  One child in the program became my teacher.  I think the year was 1989.

May 22, 2019

Podcast 81, "A Dental Story," is an account of my childhood dental experiences, the adventures of my capped front tooth and the extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth while in the army.

May 22, 2019

Podcast 80, "Courage Comes to Town," is an account of a special happening during the Knoxville, Tennessee's 1982 World's Fair.  By chance, Jerry witnessed a display of courage by the Warsaw Symphony Orchestra.

May 22, 2019

Podcast 79, "Prader Willi," is a story about the committed efforts of professional service providers working together to create and implement life-changing strategies in assisting someone with Prader Willi syndrome